Translator - Spain

Bussines vinculation

Offer your company’s collaborators various benefits for purchasing homes in our different developments.

Our goal is to be your first option when thinking about purchasing a property.

Translator - Spain

Bussines vinculation

Offer your company’s collaborators various benefits for purchasing homes in our different developments.

Our goal is to be your first option when thinking about purchasing a property.

Benefits for business agreements

Houses in mexico for sale

Exclusive Discounts

The company’s collaborators will have access to special discounts when purchasing a home from our developments, which can represent a significant savings in the total acquisition cost.


Preferential financing options

We offer preferential financing conditions, such as reduced interest rates or flexible terms, that make purchasing a home more accessible.

Houses in mexico for sale

Ease of purchase

We offer a simplified purchasing process and personalized advice for employees, making them feel supported and confident in their decision.

Safety and quality of housing

We offer different types of guarantees throughout the home , in addition to the peace of mind of purchasing with one of the most prominent companies in the real estate sector in Mexico, so that your employees feel more secure about the investment they are making.

Houses in Mexico

GP Vivienda Business Linkage

Exclusive discounts  | Ease of purchase | Preferential financing | Massive benefits | Security and quality of housing

Contact our advisor

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Contact Real Estate Advisor | [email protected] | Spain

Nuevo León



